Bear Stearns High Grade Fraud Cases
In December 2009, Mr. Intelisano, Mr. Rich and their firm won a $3.4 million arbitration award against Bear Stearns related to the High Grade Structured Credit Strategies hedge funds which blew up in July 2007. It is the first and only reported victory by any High Grade investor and the award was rendered after the criminal acquittals of portfolio managers Ralph Cioffi and Matthew Tannin.
Below are links to the FINRA Arbitration Award and articles related to the matter.
Award:December 23rd, 2009
RaceTrac Petroleum v. Bear Stearns FINRA Award
Investor in defunct Bear fund wins $3.4 mln award - Feb. 9, 2010
Galleon Wiretaps Rattle Hedge Funds as Insider Trading Targeted - Oct. 26, 2009
Bear Stearns likely to face hedge fund lawsuits - Jun. 28, 2007
Bear Stearns hedge fund investor files claim - Aug. 02, 2007